We’ve been hearing about commercially feasible memristors—a type of electrical component that’s persistent like flash memory, but as fast as DRAM to access—for quite some time now. Most prominently, HP got its proof of the memristor’s existence published in Nature back in 2008, and it partnered with SK Hynix to produce memristors in 2010, but there’s been little new fruit on that front since (aside from the HP Labs project called “The Machine,” which has since been redesigned around more conventional technologies). Now, a new startup called Knowm is taking its own shot at bringing the memristor to market, this time as part of a machine-learning solution.
At the hardware level, Knowm is taking a different tack than HP’s “crossbar” memristor design, according to this EE Times article. Instead, the company builds memristors using a technology it calls “Thermodynamic RAM,” which appears to be fabricated using a somewhat more traditional process. Thermodynamic RAM is claimed to be easily scalable, and Knowm plans to offer its tech as an add-on fabrication step in its own facilities for CMOS ASICs sourced from other chip makers.
Read the entire article directly on The Tech Report website at: https://techreport.com/news/28595/startup-knowm-has-an-ahah-moment-with-memristors
Startup Knowm has an AHaH moment with memristors
The Tech Report
Jeff Kampman

The Tech Report
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