This is a video series titled: “AHaH Computing in a Nutshell”, which can be found on our Vimeo channel or on our YouTube channel.

For more educational resources covering everything about AHaH Computing, memristors and Thermodynamic RAM, please check out the page: Knowm Educational Resources.

What is a Memristor?

Knowm Memristor Conventions

What is AHaH Computing?

What is an AHaH Node?

Why AHaH Computing?

Why is AHaH Computing Efficient?

The Adaptive Power Problem

The Adaptive Power Solution

AHaH Computing Lecture at RIT

Still Confused?

We do our best to explain what we are doing so that many people from many different backgrounds can understand. If you have questions or seek clarification, please ask us. Visit our FAQ page first, then check out our Reddit forum for general questions and discussions or contact us directly for more technical questions.

Alex Nugent

Alex Nugent is the CEO of Knowm Inc. He is an inventor and entrepreneur at the crossroads of natural self-organization, neuromemristive electronics and machine learning. He is an optimist and a problem solver and believes that Nature is the highest form of technology. He lives by the motto that "the best way to predict the future is to invent it."

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