Wait, there's even more!

In addition to the examples found here, there is a complete demo app for all of XChart’s capabilities, styles, and configurations. Along with the XChart release there is also a corresponding xchart-demo jar, a Swing application, which can be run with the following command: java -cp xchart-demo-3.8.8.jar:xchart-3.8.8.jar org.knowm.xchart.demo.XChartDemo. (Note that on a Windows machine, you need to replace the colon : with a semicolon ;!) For Powershell, this command may work for you” java -cp "xchart-demo-3.8.8.jar;xchart-3.8.8.jar" org.knowm.xchart.demo.XChartDemo. Full source code can be found on Github.

Using QuickChart

XChart QuickChart

XChart QuickChart

Save Chart as Bitmap

Chart Matrix

XChart Matrix

XChart Matrix

Area Chart

XChart Area Chart

XChart Area Chart

Area and Line Combo

XChart Area and Line Combo

XChart Area and Line Combo

Logarithmic Line Chart

XChart Logarithmic Line Chart

XChart Logarithmic Line Chart

Customized Chart

XChart Customized Chart

XChart Customized Chart

Pie Chart

XChart Pie Chart

XChart Pie Chart

Stick Chart

XChart Stick Chart

XChart Stick Chart


XChart Scatter Chart

XChart Scatter Chart

Error Bars

XChart Error Bars

XChart Error Bars

Basic Bar Chart

XChart Basic Bar Chart

XChart Basic Bar Chart

Histogram Overlapped

XChart Histogram Overlapped

XChart Histogram Overlapped

GGPlot2 Theme

XChart GGPlot2 Theme Bar Chart

XChart GGPlot2 Theme Bar Chart

MATLAB Theme Chart

XChart MATLAB Theme Chart

XChart MATLAB Theme Chart

Bubble Chart

XChart Bubble Chart

XChart Bubble Chart

Donut Chart

XChart Donut Chart

XChart Donut Chart

Real-time Java Chart

Java XChart Real Time Chart

Java XChart Real Time Chart