Interface StreamingTradeService

All Known Implementing Classes:
BinanceStreamingTradeService, BitfinexStreamingTradeService, BybitStreamingTradeService, CoinbaseProStreamingTradeService, CoinmateStreamingTradeService, FtxStreamingTradeService, GateioStreamingTradeService, KrakenFuturesStreamingTradeService, KrakenStreamingTradeService, KucoinStreamingTradeService, LgoStreamingTradeService, OkexStreamingTradeService

public interface StreamingTradeService
  • Method Details

    • getOrderChanges

      default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<Order> getOrderChanges(CurrencyPair currencyPair, Object... args)
      Get the changes of order state for the logged-in user.

      Warning: there are currently no guarantees that messages will arrive in order, that messages will not be skipped, or that any initial state message will be sent on connection. Most exchanges have a recommended approach for managing this, involving timestamps, sequence numbers and a separate REST API for re-sync when inconsistencies appear. You should implement these approaches, if required, by combining calls to this method with TradeService.getOpenOrders().

      Emits NotConnectedException When not connected to the WebSocket API.

      Immediately throws ExchangeSecurityException if called without authentication details

      currencyPair - Currency pair of the order changes.
      Observable that emits Order when exchange sends the update.
    • getOrderChanges

      default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<Order> getOrderChanges(Instrument instrument, Object... args)
    • getUserTrades

      default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<UserTrade> getUserTrades(CurrencyPair currencyPair, Object... args)
      Gets authenticated trades for the logged-in user.

      Warning: there are currently no guarantees that messages will arrive in order, that messages will not be skipped, or that any initial state message will be sent on connection. Most exchanges have a recommended approach for managing this, involving timestamps, sequence numbers and a separate REST API for re-sync when inconsistencies appear. You should implement these approaches, if required, by combining calls to this method with TradeService.getTradeHistory(

      Emits NotConnectedException When not connected to the WebSocket API.

      Immediately throws ExchangeSecurityException if called without authentication details

      currencyPair - Currency pair for which to get trades.
      Observable that emits UserTrade when exchange sends the update.
    • getUserTrades

      default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<UserTrade> getUserTrades(Instrument instrument, Object... args)
    • getUserTrades

      default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable<UserTrade> getUserTrades()