Interface OpenOrdersParamCurrencyPair

All Superinterfaces:
CurrencyPairParam, OpenOrdersParams
All Known Implementing Classes:
BitcoindeOpenOrdersParams, BithumbOpenOrdersParam, CoinfloorOpenOrdersParams, CoinmateOpenOrdersParams, DefaultOpenOrdersParamCurrencyPair, FtxTriggerOpenOrdersParams, ItBitOpenOrdersParams, TheRockOpenOrdersParams

public interface OpenOrdersParamCurrencyPair extends OpenOrdersParams, CurrencyPairParam
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    accept(Order order)
    Added later, this method allows the filter to also to apply to stop orders, at a small cost.
    default boolean
    Checks if passed order is suitable for open orders params.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      default boolean accept(LimitOrder order)
      Description copied from interface: OpenOrdersParams
      Checks if passed order is suitable for open orders params. May be used for XChange side orders filtering
      Specified by:
      accept in interface OpenOrdersParams
      order - The order to filter.
      true if order is ok
    • accept

      default boolean accept(Order order)
      Description copied from interface: OpenOrdersParams
      Added later, this method allows the filter to also to apply to stop orders, at a small cost. It should be explicitly implemented for better performance.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface OpenOrdersParams
      order - The order to filter.
      true if order is ok.
    • getCurrencyPair

      CurrencyPair getCurrencyPair()
      Specified by:
      getCurrencyPair in interface CurrencyPairParam
    • setCurrencyPair

      void setCurrencyPair(CurrencyPair pair)
      Specified by:
      setCurrencyPair in interface CurrencyPairParam