Class CoinexAccountService

All Implemented Interfaces:
AccountService, BaseService

public class CoinexAccountService extends CoinexAccountServiceRaw implements AccountService
  • Constructor Details

    • CoinexAccountService

      public CoinexAccountService(CoinexExchange exchange)
  • Method Details

    • getAccountInfo

      public AccountInfo getAccountInfo() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      Get account info
      Specified by:
      getAccountInfo in interface AccountService
      the AccountInfo object, null if some sort of error occurred. Implementers should log the error.
      IOException - - Indication that a networking error occurred while fetching JSON data
    • withdrawFunds

      public String withdrawFunds(Currency currency, BigDecimal amount, String address) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      Convenience method, typically just delegates to withdrawFunds(WithdrawFundsParams params)
      Specified by:
      withdrawFunds in interface AccountService
      currency - The currency to withdraw
      amount - The amount to withdraw
      address - The destination address
      The result of the withdrawal (usually a transaction ID)
      IOException - - Indication that a networking error occurred while fetching JSON data
    • withdrawFunds

      public String withdrawFunds(WithdrawFundsParams params) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      Withdraw funds from this account. Allows to withdraw digital currency funds from the exchange account to an external address
      Specified by:
      withdrawFunds in interface AccountService
      params - The withdrawl details
      The result of the withdrawal (usually a transaction ID)
      IOException - - Indication that a networking error occurred while fetching JSON data
    • requestDepositAddress

      public String requestDepositAddress(Currency currency, String... args) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      Request a digital currency address to fund this account. Allows to fund the exchange account with digital currency from an external address
      Specified by:
      requestDepositAddress in interface AccountService
      currency - The digital currency that corresponds to the desired deposit address.
      args - Necessary argument(s) as a String
      the internal deposit address to send funds to
      IOException - - Indication that a networking error occurred while fetching JSON data
    • createFundingHistoryParams

      public TradeHistoryParams createFundingHistoryParams()
      Description copied from interface: AccountService
      Create TradeHistoryParams object specific to this exchange. Object created by this method may be used to discover supported and required AccountService.getFundingHistory(TradeHistoryParams) parameters and should be passed only to the method in the same class as the createFundingHistoryParams that created the object.
      Specified by:
      createFundingHistoryParams in interface AccountService
    • getFundingHistory

      public List<FundingRecord> getFundingHistory(TradeHistoryParams params) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      getFundingHistory in interface AccountService
      list of funding history if available or an empty list otherwise. This should never return null.
      IOException - - Indication that a networking error occurred while fetching JSON data